You clicked the news-archives? Damn,
that's sad. *_*
Friday, April 20th, 2001 dude meets bubba! Four hours before the deadline strikes, I rule. Before anyone asks, bubba isn't the blonde guy in the middle pannel, bubba is far more a common term for the strong and fat jail-sodomist that grabs himself newcomers meat . . . poor dude. *_* The images where all stolen: background - first pannel: Englischer
garten (munich - city in germany) Character - Dude: siluetté - the
japanese beetle That's all stolen things, nothing else. We (the evil collective thing in my mind) are getting closer to the 100 hits-a-day goal and still getting at the 5000 hits-all-time limit. As a prophilactic thank you, I will put up a wallpaper gallery on sunday. Link of the moment: I love it, did you know that everyone at the age of 13+ is legal in japan? -Carl [sharing is caring, so pass the reefer, asshole.]
fornicating excrements, sorry. Woooo, good to be here again. Sunday was a long and tiresome day, I just didn't manage to make a comic then, so I skipped monday. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Yes, as I announced, #013 acctualy has started a real storylinem I will continue it to the bitter end. Like living in graytown, just without the town, teh devil, the art or divine grace. The storyline is about "dude", I'll call him that until I can think up a decent name. I finaly fixed links in the past news and inserted new ones too. As soon I've got 100 hits a day as average, you'll get a special something, as soon the total-hits reach 5000, I'll add new features to SPV. So stay here and come again, tell your friends, spray paint it on your neighbors cat . . please, I NEED HITS! *is an addict* -Carl [shit, a storyline]
Friday 13th, give me my ax', honey. I'm sorry, I know this
filler strip sucking fucks, it's a real fother mucker. I got something as
excuse tough, an appointment at social care made me tired and as I woke
up, I just had four hours left, not capabale of thinking something up to
countinue the "meet the cast" miniseries. As I promised, I will
finish that series in streip # 013 and start a real storyline then, be
ready for a more-than-three-pannels comic. Link of the moment is Tanarus,
it's a great online-game, if you want to find me there, look for [A]Reality
or ~Dilandau~. Today was busy and I learned that something that sticks to your teeth can't be removed properly with more of it. -Carl [fappedeedoodoo] Wednesday, April 11th, 2001 sorry, RTL. Just got a hit-counter from
extremeMe, just so I
know how many potential lawsuits I can get per day. :D -Carl [don't eat a jar of strawberry jam pure. ow my tummy] Monday, April 9th, 2001 Fuck on a Cheese! Oh man, all I've got to say
for myself is that I was tired as I made this one and that you can't
execute insane people, it's against the law. *_* -Carl [chickens are demons]
Anyone there? hope not *zip* I'm still online? No one
sued me for stupifing milions? well . . okay, no one reads this anyways.
:p -Carl [like tv-dinners for the third wolrd . . amputee dancing girls *_*] Friday, March 16th, 2001 Two years already . . . I won't start the
stereotypical teenie-whinig with this, I just want to remind the public.
So I'll just mention the site-design-changes. -Carl [if I could go back in time . . ] Thursday, March 15th, 2001 Light effects :D Joy, I managed to get my
ass up from no-where-land and make a comic. I may use light effects more
often now, they look good. I had to give one of my cats away today, that
made me pissy. But one of my friends I relly cherrish managed to cheer me
up again, she always does. : ) -Carl [stunned by this]
Oh wow. Oh man, I am really sorry. I might not get a comic done 'till tuesday, life's being a bitch and such but HEY I added a dilandau-dolly. -Carl [moero, moero]
still sorry. *g* Well, this comic was
inspired by my chapter 15 guy, that's all for todays comic, for now
at least. -Carl [BANG! BANG! You're dead.]
I am so sorry, squaresoft! First of all, I want to beg
for forgiveance from squaresoft. The universe is a square. I loved
Chrono Trigger and well . . . Jarid mind-probed me to do that! Friday, March 2nd, 2001 Not banned yet? le wow. Bah, wierd happenings in
life, I won't annoy you with that. Now the site is up, except the forum:
as you can see, I added a comic link page to give everyone but me hits. oh
joy! I may note that todays comic is based on a unintendet acid-trip, if
you didn't knowtice that. Leave you purity at the door on a leash . . that
sounded wrong. -Carl [pushing and pushing 'till it hurts] {addition: first guest
strip was submitted, thanks jardiciules.}
Great Opening: (no opening or anything great, acctualy) Hello, welcome to my annoying and tasteless comic. I may parodize manny things or just plain blabber stupid things. Nothing acctualy happened since last update. (DUH!) For the future, this comic will be updated every two days or when I feel like it; tasteless, moronic and offending will describe it. Except I snap and make a good comic, with a storyline. Side note: A few links may be dead, like guest strips or the forum, sue me for being a slow person. -Carl |