:home: :archives: :guest strips: :forum: :comics you shall read: :wallpapers: :mail me: |
These comics are great, because I read them and they where approved by a group of 1000 monkeys on 1000 laptops.
acctualy, the number don't realy represent a ranking.
Worship the ultimate and divine grace of LiG, or I'll hurt you. Young lesbians, tentacle-monsters and perverts. It feels like home. Aww big ones, I like it, I even colored its B&Ws for fun. WANG! Violence and suicide by butterknifes. breathe it. Warning, this one is acctualy porn disguised as a comic. FAP FAP! Fear their 1337 N3KK1D SK1LLZ! Monsters of socialism and the mets win! It's great, just plain great! They showed me the true sense in life: being geekboy carl! Don't trust the banner, it's evil but I want to mary it in utah!
I wait for it turning yaoi. *prays* sue me for bringing in something ultra-popular, I like manager jokes. KAMEHAMEONION! I like the archieves, death eats boiled poodles. The logo says all, click it or ninja boy cut you! WIGU was my second comic, I like roger, he's desperater than me. Law attorneys are evil, that's why schlock must go boom, boom. BBOCS, manny nice anime flash animation in the archieves. It's sick, it's inspiring, it's little dogs being smooshed. Yes, I conffess, I conffess; SinFest was my first online
comic so I owe it |